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雅思机经2022-10-12 21:00:20金太阳移民



Section1 预测重点(10篇)

s1: 打电话要求家庭打扫服务

s1: 滑冰会员咨询

S1: 航空公司工作求职场景,女的给男的介绍工作

S1:澳洲旅游a woman consults visiting somewhere of holiday

S1:销售大会会议安排地点(two students discuss arrange the academic meeting on physics lecture)

S1:买冰箱a woman wants to buy a fridge

S1:业余戏剧协会amateur drama society

S1:holiday inquiry 旅游咨询酒店

S1: 一个人打电话咨询去某地旅游,三家酒店的咨询 Hotel enquiry.

S1: 英国女人去新西兰租房子 rent a house via agent

Section2 预测重点(10篇)

s2: 纳税问题咨询

s2: 美术馆

S2: Media career development职业规划

S2:图书馆扩建的主题expansion of an old school library

S2:校园的地图介绍orientation program

S2 关于商场的促销广告(advertisement of promotion in a shopping center)

S2 大堡礁旅游(the Great barrier reef green island)

S2:旅游展览,tour exhibition travel show

S2:experiment course design discussion

S2: 一位男士接受采访,介绍即将上映的电影惊险片 A man with interview introducing an upcoming film called Triller Film.
