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暖心:Good times + crazy friends = Amazing memories.

英语考试2024-01-17 20:59:53敏敏

暖心:Good times + crazy friends = Amazing memories.

大家好,如果您还对暖心:Good times + crazy friends = Amazing memories.不太了解,没有关系,今天就由本站为大家分享暖心:Good times + crazy friends = Amazing memories.的知识,包括暖心:Good times + crazy friends = Amazing memories.的问题都会给大家分析到,还望可以解决大家的问题,下面我们就开始吧!


Good times + crazy friends = Amazing memories.欢乐时光+疯子般的朋友=最棒的回忆。

I want to be your favorite hello, and your hardest goodbye.我想成为你最喜欢见到的和最不舍得说再见的人。

I'm sorry I love you so much.对不起,我如此爱你。

I know I'm not perfect. But I want to thank you for loving me anyway.我明白我不完美,但无论如何我还是想要谢谢你喜欢我。

True Strength is being able to hold it together when everyone is expecting you to fall apart.真正的坚强是当所有的人都希望你崩溃的时候,你还可以振作。

Doesn't matter what the haters are saying about you. Ignore them. You're better than them. 讨厌你的人怎么说你都不重要,别管他们,你比他们强多了。

Sometimes there's a song that reminds you of someone that you just can't forget.有时候,一首歌会让你想起某个你忘不了的人。

Relationship is not about how long you have been together, it's about how far you have known each other.恋爱不在于你们在一起多久,而是你们有多了解对方。

Unconditional love is loving without expecting.无条件的爱,就是不带任何期待地,去爱。

I love you for who you are not who I want you to be.我爱你,因为你是你,而不是我希望你变成的人。


文章到此结束,如果本次分享的暖心:Good times + crazy friends = Amazing memories.和暖心:Good times + crazy friends = Amazing memories.的问题解决了您的问题,那么我们由衷的感到高兴!
