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英文版《爱情转移》:想开往地老天荒, 需要多勇敢?

英语网址2024-01-13 04:00:01丽雅

英文版《爱情转移》:想开往地老天荒, 需要多勇敢?

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《爱情转移》英文版Next Stop, Love下一站真爱Traversed through another small town,穿过另一个小镇countless under the sun,忘了是第几个日子 through the end of a tunnel where another begun.又要马上迎来隧道尽头的新村庄 The rail that leads to nowhere,铁轨的终点是一片虚无 where we find that true love,我们发现真爱 slipping through our fingers before it is found.想要珍惜时却又从指尖溜走 Cocooned in private cabins,蜷缩在无人的角落 never reaching further,拒绝踏出一步 further from the boundaries of our own surrounds.被自己的世界限制住了脚步 The noise of metal tremors铁轨作响covering all the silence掩盖一切沉寂 made by shallow heartbeats where no truth is sound.浅浅的心跳迷失了心里的声音 When life becomes a struggle,当生活变成了一场斗争 its easy to give in to sorrow,我们总是屈服于悲伤, constricted by the binds of our own shackles.被自己创造的桎梏所束缚 But if you open the doors,但是当你打开门 and tear down all of your walls,卸下心墙, the dampened heartstrings will soon learn to follow微弱的心跳立马会找回自己的节奏 When coldness covers the world eating its way into your soul,当寒冷覆盖整个世界,侵蚀你的心灵 you've got to spread those wings and let your heart glow你必须展开双翅,让你的心灵焕发光彩Surrounded by the halo,被光环所包围 the shining halo is your love这光环便是爱 Love truly heals all the damage from the travels done to lonely souls爱可以治愈寂寞的灵魂在旅途上受的伤 We let the course of time run,我们无惧时间的流逝 free thinking we're still young,我们青春张扬 drinking hard in parties and just having fun我们在派对上饮酒作乐 And in a blinking moment, looking in the mirror,但有时我们也会照着镜子, counting up the strands of the greys that you'd found细数头上的银丝 It's hard to find that someone, someone at the right time, right place right description and a right dose of wine.很难在对的时间,对的地方找到那个对的人 We spend entire life times, mounting up on the dimes,我们穷尽一生收集堆山积海的财富 never getting out of the rat maze in time却始终走不出心中的那个迷宫 ...........................Love truly guides all the lost and all the lonesome and bring them ashore爱能指引所有寂寞的人和迷失的人,将他们带上岸 Don't ever give up, just reach around that corner, and you will find love永远不要放弃,只要到达那个角落,你就能找到爱


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