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英语真题2024-01-07 14:40:01优优





1. 图表作文

题目:In recent years, more and more people have been using electric vehicles (EVs) to reduce their carbon footprint. According to the data, the number of EVs on the road has increased by a factor of five in just five years. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using EVs?


1. 请给电动车的发展带来的好处和带来的问题各列3点;

2. 电动车的发展对环境的影响,以及如何减少电动车对环境的影响各列3点;

3. 要求词数不少于200字,可根据实际情况调整。

2. 应用写作

题目:假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件里提到他对中国新近发射的天问一号火箭非常感兴趣,询问火箭的发射情况。请给Jim回信,内容包括:1. 介绍天问一号火箭;2. 发射情况;3. 邀请Jim下次来中国观看火箭发射。


1. 请根据Jim的询问给火箭的发射情况以及邀请Jim下次来中国观看火箭发射;

2. 内容要符合实际情况,可加入一些细节描述;

3. 词数不少于150字。



1. 推理判断题


It is said that [surely] learning a foreign language is essential for international communication. While this may seem like a daunting task, there are many practical ways to improve your language skills. For example, listening to music in the original language, practicing speaking with a language exchange partner, and reading books in the target language can all help you to improve your speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

2. 事实细节题


The government has suggested that schools should [be closed] to prevent the spread of the virus. However, many schools have decided to remain open. The decision to close or remain open is a difficult one, and it is important to consider the safety of both students and staff.

3. 主旨大意题


The company has announced that it will [be reducing] the number of employees working on the production line. This move will [help] the company to save money and invest more in [new technology]. The company hopes that the redundant employees will be able to find new jobs in other sectors.

4. 完形填空题


The teacher has been [teaching] English for [ten years] now. He has [been] working at this school for [twice] years. He is a [very] experienced teacher and has [been] teaching English [very] effectively.



1. 表格填空题


Name Age Gender

--- --- ---

John 22 Male

Sarah 20 Female

David 24 Male

2. 短文填空题


In order to improve students' spoken English, our school has set up a(n) 1 club. Members of the club meet every Friday afternoon to 2 with one another in English. We believe that this will help us to improve our spoken English in a short time.



1. 词义辨析


A: The teacher told the students that they should their study seriously.

B: The students believe that working hard is the best way to success.

C: The manager asked the employees to their efforts to meet the target.

D: The scientists found that the plant needs to water to grow.

2. 短语搭配


A: It's raining cats and dogs.

B: She's a blessing in disguise.

C: It's a long story.

D: He's in the clear.

3. 动词时态


A: The children have played outside all day.

B: He's been working hard on his homework.

C: The train leaves at 8:00 p.m.

D: The news was made public last night.



1. 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件里提到他对中国新近发射的天问一号火箭非常感兴趣,你写一封回信,内容包括:1. 介绍天问一号火箭;2. 发射情况;3. 邀请Jim下次来中国观看火箭发射。


Dear Jim,

I'm thrilled to hear that you are interested in the recent launch of Tianwen-1火箭. As you know, it was successfully launched on September 23rd, and it has caused a great deal of attention in the media.

The Tianwen-1 rocket is a powerful vehicle that can carry passengers to the moon. It has a maximum launch mass of 100,000 kg and a lunar mission of up to 60 days. The rocket has a unique design, with its five stages and large rocket engines.

I'm also pleased to hear that you are considering a visit to China to witness the launch. I would be more than happy to arrange for you to come and watch the event in person. It would be a great opportunity for you to experience the excitement of a Chinese launch and to see the incredible work that goes into each rocket launch.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Li Hua
