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英语真题2024-01-06 07:00:01优优





Part 1(第1段)

M: Hello, is anyone there?

W: Hello. I'd like to report a problem with my order.

M: I'm sorry to hear that. Can you tell me more about it?

W: Sure. I just placed an order for a new laptop with a price of $1,299. However, when I checked the order status, I found that the price had been increased to $1,399. I don't understand why the price suddenly went up.

M: I'm sorry for the confusion. Can you provide me with the order number so that I can look into the matter?

W: Sure. The order number is 1234567890.

Part 2(第2段)

M: Hello, may I speak with the person who placed the order?

W: Who is speaking with me now?

M: This is [Your Name] from [Company Name]. I'm calling to follow up on the order you placed on June 6th.

W: Oh, hello. Yes, I placed an order for a new laptop on June 6th. The total price was $1,299.

M: I'm sorry to hear that the price was increased to $1,399. Can you explain the reason for the change in price?

W: I don't know. I didn't receive any notification that the price had been changed.

M: I understand. I will look into this matter and try to resolve the issue for you.

Part 3(第3段)

W: That's unacceptable. I want a full refund.

M: I understand your concern. I will look into the matter again and try to make it right.

Part 4(第4段)

M: Dear [Customer Service],

Thank you for your email. I understand your concern regarding the recent increase in the price of your order. After further investigation, we have found that the price was actually reduced from $1,299 to $1,199. Unfortunately, this change in price was made without any prior notification to the customer.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We will make sure to provide our customers with more information in the future to avoid similar issues. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


