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英语真题2024-01-06 05:00:01优优






1. 下列单词中,属于动词的有( )
A. communication, interaction, competition
B. innovation, cooperation, struggle
C. culture, society, communication
D. diversity, humanity, innovation
2. 下列单词中,暗示“逃求梦想”的词汇有( )
A. dedication, effort, dream
B. hardship, challenge, hope
C. failure, success, satisfaction
D. comfort, luxury, comfort
3. 下列单词中,暗示“感谢感动、歌颂”的词汇有( )
A. appreciation, gratitude, compliment
B. regret, forgiveness, appreciation
C. struggle, progress, achievement
D. difficulty, question, answer


4. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的选项。

In order to improve students' spoken English, our school has set up a(n) 1 club. Members of the club meet every Friday afternoon to 2 with one another in English. We are a group of students who are eager to improve their spoken English, and we believe that speaking is 3 .

Last week, Mr. Green, our English teacher, told us an interesting 4 about learning English. He said that one of the most important things to learn in English is to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing every day. 5 him, we understood that practice makes perfect.

5. 下列关于英语进修履历的句子中,契合题意的是( )

A. We have tried our best to learn English.

B. We have never learned English before.

C. We have made great progress in learning English.

D. We have failed to learn English.

5. 下列关于英语进修履历的句子中,契合题意的是( )

A. We have tried our best to learn English.

B. We have never learned English before.

C. We have made great progress in learning English.

D. We have failed to learn English.



6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能够填入空白处的选项。

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jack who wanted to learn the secrets of the universe. He spent many years studying mathematics, science, and philosophy, but he still felt unfulfilled. 1 one day, he heard about a wise old man named Sage who lived in a nearby village. Jack decided to visit him and asked for his advice.

The sage listened patiently and then said, "The secrets of the universe are like a circle. You can never reach the center, but if you keep going, you will get closer and closer until you reach it." Jack was amazed. "But how do you know where the center is?" he asked.

Sage smiled and said, "The center is where you find the truth. You have to search for it, but it's always there. You just have to look for it." 2
7. 下列关于 Sage 的描述中,契合题意的是( )

A. He was a wise old man.

B. He was a kind old man.

C. He was a patient old man.

D. He was an understanding old man.

7. 下列关于 Sage 的描述中,契合题意的是( )

A. He was a wise old man.

B. He was a kind old man.

C. He was a patient old man.

D. He was an understanding old man.



8. 根据下面短文,完成以下任务。

Mary was a young girl who loved to write. She had a passion for words and always tried her best to improve her writing skills. One day, she heard about a writing contest and decided to participate.

She spent the whole week writing and editing her essay, carefully proofreading it 10 times to make sure it was perfect. She wanted to show her best work. 2 the contest, she felt her heart beating fast.

When the day of the contest arrived, Mary stood in front of the judges, her hands 11 with the essay in her hand. She took a deep breath and began to read her essay 3 the judges.

To her surprise, the judges 4 her essay with enthusiasm and constructive feedback. Mary's heart filled with joy. 5
9. 下列关于写做角逐的描述中,契合题意的是( )

A. Mary spent the whole week editing her essay.

B. Mary wanted to show her best work.

C. The judges gave Mary's essay positive feedback.

D. Mary's essay was not good enough.

9. 下列关于写做角逐的描述中,契合题意的是( )

A. Mary spent the whole week editing her essay.

B. Mary wanted to show her best work.

C. The judges gave Mary's essay positive feedback.

D. Mary's essay was not good enough.

