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英语真题2023-12-14 23:00:02优优





文章1:The Most Beautiful Thing

Mary sat in the garden, looking at the flowers with a contented sigh. She had spent all day arranging the blooms in the garden, and the sight of them made her feel happy.

文章2:The Gift of the Magi

Dave and Sarah were married on Christmas day. They had always dreamed of building a house together, and after many years of hard work, they finally achieved their goal. But there was one problem: Sarah didn't have any money.

文章3:The Man in the Yellow Hat

Mr. Green, the owner of the yellow hat shop, was known for his love of reading and traveling. He often went on trips to different countries, and would always bring back a copy of the latest book he had read.

文章4:The Great Wall of China

Wu Liang was a Chinese history professor, and he often teaches about the Great Wall of China. He had seen the wall many times, and each time he looked up at it, he felt a sense of pride and admiration.

文章5:The Dancing Girl

Cecilia was a dancer with a gift for poetry. She often danced alone in the gym, letting the music swell around her. One day, a poet named Alice saw her and was so impressed that she wrote a poem about her.

文章6:The After-Party

The party was over, and the guests were starting to drink and dance. The music was playing, and the atmosphere was lively.

文章7:The Lost Sheep

Lucy was a sheep farmer who lived in the countryside. One day, she lost one of her sheep. She searched for it around the farm, but to no avail. Eventually, she found it in the fields.

文章8:The Change in My Life

John had always been a bit of a hoarder. He had collected many things over the years, and often hoarded them in his closet. But one day, he decided to get rid of some of them.

文章9:The New Dog

Max had a new dog named Buddy. He had always wanted a poodle, and Buddy was perfect. He was smart, friendly, and always laughed when Max told him a joke.

文章10:The Train

Alice took the train to work. She always arrived a bit early, so she had some time to read a book or catch up on some emails. The train ride was always a relaxing.


Ms. Wang was a volunteer who worked at the library. She loved reading and history, and often volunteered her time to help others.

文章12:The500-Mile Journey

Tom and Sarah had been planning a hiking trip for months. They finally made it out to the mountains.

文章13:The Big Bang

Hank was a astronomer who had studied the cosmos for many years. One day, he discovered a new planet.

文章14:The Colors of the Night

The sky was dark on that fateful night. Dave and Sarah were dating.


Xiao Ming was a judge in the Courts. He was known for his 判决 that always upheld the law.


Professor Green was a economist who specialized in microeconomics. He often taught his students about the concepts of supply and demand.

文章17:The English Language

Ms. Johnson was a teacher who taught the English language to her students. She was known for her patience and kindness.

文章18:The Final Exam

The final exam was always a nerve-wracking event for students. It was the ultimate test of their knowledge.

文章19:The Tree

The tree was gorgeous with its branches reaching up to the sky. It was a natural wonder that had inspired many poets over the years.

文章20:The Gift

It was a special day for Sarah. She received a gift from her best friend.

文章21:The Little Hero

Liam was a young boy who had a rowdy attitude. One day, he saved his neighbor's life by pushing him out of the way when a car came at them.

文章22:The Sweetest Thing

Mrs. Lee was a food chef who specialized in vegetable cuisine. She was known for her delicious dishes that were sweet and tasty.

文章23:The Last Leaf

Ms. Wang was a library librarian who worked long hours to keep the library running. She was known for her dedication and hours spent working.

文章24:The Man in the Red Jacket

The man in the red jacket was a policeman who had been patrolling the streets for many years. He was known for his patrol work and his keen eyes.

文章25:The Other Side

Alice lived on the other side of the street. She was a young woman who had recently moved to the area.

文章26:The Sunflowers

The sunflowers were a batch of sunflowers that had been planted in a garden.

文章27:The Story

Once upon a time, there was a storyteller who would tell fables to a group of children.

文章28:The Little Prince

The Little Prince had a humble attitude and a curious heart. He was always eager to learn about the world.

文章29:The Rice Cake

The Rice Cake was a cake that had been baked by a young woman.

文章30:The Last Will and Testament

The Last Will and Testament was a legal document that defined the inheritance of a deceased person's property.

文章31:The New Yorker

The New Yorker was a magazine that featured articles on various topics.

文章32:The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China was a long wall that was built to protect the border of China.

文章33:The Balloon

The balloon was a model of an airship that had been designed for the exhibition.

文章34:The Baby Monitor

The Baby Monitor was a device that allowed parents to monitor their baby's activities.

文章35:The Swimming Pool

The Swimming Pool was a place where people could swim and have a good time.

文章36:The Train Station

The Train Station was a place where people could wait for a train to arrive.

文章37:The Cafe

The Cafe was a place where people could drink coffee and have a small talk.

文章38:The Park

The Park was a place where people could walk and enjoy the nature.

文章39:The School

The School was a place where students learned 知識 and developed abilities.

文章40:The Train

The Train was a mode of transportation that could take people to different places.
