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英语真题2023-12-11 09:00:01优优







1. 一般如今时的题目问题问题:

I _ (be) a student.


She _ (go) to the park every weekend.


They _ (do) their homework last night.


I _ (have) a party last Friday.


He _ (is) a doctor.


We _ (are) a family of four.


They _ (do) their shopping last weekend.


I _ (do) my shopping yesterday.


He _ (has) a mobile phone.


She _ (is) working as a teacher.


I _ (was) at the party last Friday.


He _ (was) a student last year.


She _ (was) working in the city last summer.


They _ (were) at the park yesterday.


I _ (ate) dinner last night.


He _ (ate) a sandwich yesterday.


She _ (ate) a cake last weekend.


They _ (ate) a dinner last Friday.


I _ (ate) a breakfast this morning.


He _ (ate) a lunch yesterday.


She _ (ate) a dinner last week.


They _ (ate) a party last weekend.


I _ (ate) a snack last night.


He _ (ate) a sandwich this morning.


She _ (ate) a cake last night.


They _ (ate) a dinner last Friday.


I _ (ate) a breakfast this morning.


He _ (ate) a lunch yesterday.


She _ (ate) a dinner last week.


They _ (ate) a party last weekend.



1. 主语+谓语:

The cat _ (meows).


The cat _ (meowed) yesterday.


The cat _ (meows) when it sees me.


The cat _ (meowed) when it saw me yesterday.


The cat _ (meows) when I see it.


The cat _ (meowed) when I saw it yesterday.


The dog _ (bark) when it sees me.


The dog _ (barked) when it saw me yesterday.


The dog _ (bark) when I see it.


The dog _ (barked) when I saw it yesterday.


The book is on the table.


The book is on the table, but I haven't read it.


The book in the table is mine.


The dog _ (bark) when it sees me.


The window is broke.


The books are lent by the library.


The students are taught by the teacher.


The teacher is teaching the students.


The books are on the table, but I haven't read it.


The dog is barking when it sees me.



1. 一般如今时的被动语态:

The window is broke by the dog.


The books are lent by the library.


The students are taught by the teacher.


The students are being taught by the teacher.


The teacher is teaching the students to read.


The teacher is teaching the students to read in the future.


The teacher is teaching the students to write.


The students are taught by the teacher to write.


The students are being taught by the teacher to write in the future.


The students are being taught by the teacher.


The teacher is teaching the students to speak English.


The teacher is teaching the students to speak English in the future.


The students are being taught to speak English.


The teacher is teaching the students to read English.


The teacher is teaching the students to read English in the future.


The students are being taught to read English by the teacher.


The teacher is teaching the students to write English.


The teacher is teaching the students to write English in the future.


The students are being taught by the teacher to write.


The teacher is teaching the students to speak.



1. 动词不定式:

The cake is baked by the teacher.


The students are tested by the teacher.


The teacher is examined by the students.


The students test the teacher.


The teacher is tested by the students.


The students are examining the teacher.


The teacher is baked by the students.


The students are tested by the teacher.


The teacher is tested by the students.


The students test the teacher.


The teacher is tested by the students.


The students are examining the teacher.


The teacher is baked by the students.


The students are tested by the teacher.


The teacher is tested by the students.


The students test the teacher.


The teacher is tested by the students.


The students are examining the teacher.


The teacher is baked by the students.


The students are tested by the teacher.
