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英语真题2023-12-09 20:00:01优优





1. 名词

A选项中,the development of humanity, the universe, and other major events are the focus of human history(人类汗青的开展、宇宙的演进和其他严峻事务)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

B选项中,time consumption, effort, and skill are the main factors influencing career success(时间消耗、勤奋水平和技能是影响职业胜利的关键因素)与词汇表中的词汇相符,为谜底。

C选项中,a global movement, a growing concern, and a comprehensive approach are the main ideas behind the "Belt and Road Initiative"(“一带一路”倡议的次要思惟是“一带一路”是一个全球运动、一个日益关注的问题和一个全面的办法)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

D选项中,a powerful tool, a popular culture phenomenon, and a source of inspiration are the main themes of the book "The Catcher in the Rye"(《麦田里的守望者》的次要主题是一个强大的工具、一种流行文化现象和一个灵感来源)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

2. 动词

A选项中,to communicate with others, to express emotions, and to make decisions are the main aspects of effective communication(有效沟通的次要方面是与人沟通、表达豪情和做决定)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

B选项中,to achieve success, to challenge conventional wisdom, and to lead a fulfilling life are the main goals of entrepreneurship(企业家精神的次要目的是获得胜利、挑战传统不美不雅观念和过上充实的生活)与词汇表中的词汇相符,为谜底。

C选项中,to spend time with family, to make new friends, and to learn new skills are the main reasons people enjoy traveling(人们喜好游览的次要原因搜罗与家人共度功夫、结识新朋友和进修新技能)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

D选项中,to study hard, to be responsible, and to work hard are the main values of the "Confucius Institutes"(孔子学院的次要价值不美不雅观是勤奋进修、负责任和工做勤奋)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

3. 描述词

A选项中,positive, negative, and hypothetical are the main types of feedback(反应的类型搜罗积极、消极和假设的)与词汇表中的词汇相符,为谜底。

B选项中,to communicate with others, to express emotions, and to make decisions are the main aspects of effective communication(有效沟通的次要方面是与人沟通、表达豪情和做决定)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

C选项中,to spend time with family, to make new friends, and to learn new skills are the main reasons people enjoy traveling(人们喜好游览的次要原因搜罗与家人共度功夫、结识新朋友和进修新技能)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

D选项中,to study hard, to be responsible, and to work hard are the main values of the "Confucius Institutes"(孔子学院的次要价值不美不雅观是勤奋进修、负责任和工做勤奋)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

4. 副词

A选项中,reliable, useful, and interesting are the main qualities of a good friend(一个好的朋友的次要品量搜罗可靠、有用和有趣)与词汇表中的词汇相符,为谜底。

B选项中,to communicate with others, to express emotions, and to make decisions are the main aspects of effective communication(有效沟通的次要方面是与人沟通、表达豪情和做决定)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

C选项中,to spend time with family, to make new friends, and to learn new skills are the main reasons people enjoy traveling(人们喜好游览的次要原因搜罗与家人共度功夫、结识新朋友和进修新技能)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

D选项中,to study hard, to be responsible, and to work hard are the main values of the "Confucius Institutes"(孔子学院的次要价值不美不雅观是勤奋进修、负责任和工做勤奋)与词汇表中的词汇不符,排除。

