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英语真题2023-12-04 04:00:01优优






The first step in learning any language is to build a foundation of words.

Having a strong vocabulary base enables you to understand the meaning of new words more easily.

Reading extensively is the best way to expand your vocabulary.

Studying English grammar is also essential for building a strong foundation in the language.


In order to improve your English reading skills, you should practice regularly and choose challenging materials. Read the following passage, and answer the questions below.

I have a friend who is a great reader. He always suggests me to read at least a few pages a day. I find that reading helps me to improve my vocabulary and understand the meaning of the words.

What's more, reading helps me to understand the structure of a good story. I can see the main idea of the story more clearly, and I can follow the characters more easily.

There are many benefits to reading. It not only helps you to improve your reading skills but also helps you to become a more interesting person.

The first step in learning any language is to build a foundation of words. (A)
Having a strong vocabulary base enables you to understand the meaning of new words more easily. (T)
Reading extensively is the best way to expand your vocabulary. (F)
Studying English grammar is also essential for building a strong foundation in the language. (G)
